- 眼睛開始無法對焦
- bad memory
- 我的fashion design,styling and trends課老師長得像穿著PRADA的惡魔裡的光頭設計師的瘦高nice版
- 食物瓶頸
- Never learn to say the right thing to the right person at the right time
- 始終無法對無趣的話題真心地提起興趣,也無法假裝感興趣
- 還好我不打算(也不需要)取悅任何人
- so many things in this world. so many to learn.
- 力有餘而心不足
- people who have too many happiness
- 慣性
- 反慣性
- After all you are not special.
- Isn't it interesting that we treat different people differently. I mean we always say we treat everyone fairly, but never in the same way. 就算是穿同樣的衣服去同一個地方吃同一樣食物看同樣的風景,跟不一樣的兩個人度過的時光,就是不同。甚至即使對方對你說了同一句話,激起的感受也不會一樣。No one can replace another person.
- 巴黎的天氣根本是倫敦!
- 破壞狂事蹟:繼遺失愛錶之後改戴爸爸的錶,上禮拜錶鏈接頭整個掉下來,所幸被我修好,不知道可以撐多久(待續..)
- Sometimes I can't help feeling that the more I learn about fashion, the more I found it superficial. well, sometimes, just sometimes.
- 對於 資 訊 爆 炸 的焦慮持續
They're only words
Don't have to shout to be heard
I have not seen the light, for days
Moment has gone
I'm not the best at moving on
Nothing to say, no one would listen anyway, anyway
ReplyDeletefashion......課名聽起來好厲害,我的課都是conservation, sustainable, environment....